March 18, 2020
We have continued to follow the Covid-19 updates closely and want to announce that we will be postponing the AdvanSE Life Sciences Conference originally scheduled for May 27-28. We have not yet determined a new date, but we are working through the available options and will follow up as quickly as we can.
The last week has seen an incredible change in the situation, from WHO declaring a global pandemic, to the US declaring a state of emergency, and individual states, counties, and cities implementing strict limits on group gatherings.
These changes would make it impossible to hold the conference, but even without these measures, the safety and welfare of our attendees, their families, and the larger community warrants a postponement.
All of that being said, among our primary mission is to bring together constituents to nurture the deal flow in the Southeast, resulting in new products to the market and an improved human condition. We are actively consulting with our state partners, investor firms, and others how we might still fill this function during the intervening period until the conference is rescheduled. If you have thoughts along these lines, we would very much like to hear from you.
If you have any questions, please contact Jason Rupp or David Day.
Thank you for all of your support!
Jason & David